Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Ever feel like Alice?

Has your life ever taken that wonderful spin where you have fallen, and fallen, and fallen and finally hit the bottom of that rabbit hole? Have you chased that white rabbit, hoping to catch his fuzzy white tail (and maybe pull it off when you catch him)? Have you made your way to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party? Where do you go from here? Well since you fell DOWN obviously the only way you can go is UP! Question is how to climb out of the stupid rabbit hole? Well the rabbit got down there and can get out, so you can too! I have my little tricks I use and they don't include "Drink Me", "Eat Me" strategies. Those are part of what sends us down the rabbit hole in the first place. Pity Parties - "Poor Me", "Poor Me" - Also included in this category is the "What If" scenario - "What If" I had done this, or "What If" I hadn't done that.... We all do it and it is part of what helps keep us in the rabbit hole. Trick is time allotted for it. Set a goal - say "I'm going to allow myself to feel this way, it's OK to feel this, but only for a set amount of time or only for a certain time of the day." My trick is my SmartPhone. Boy is it smart. It has a timer feature. I set it for 10 minutes. When the Pity Party/Poor Me starts to hit, I start that timer, when the alarm goes off, the Pity Party is over for that time. It can start up again later, and so can the timer. Self Esteem/Self Affirmations - Once a day you have to look in the mirror and find SOMETHING you like about yourself. It can be your hair, your eyes, your makeup (guys it can be your beard, your mustache, your eyes, your hairline). DON'T look in the mirror and say "I like myself!" THAT doesn't work! To try to get there all at once just is an impossibility, you have to go one step at a time. Likewise, the Self Affirmations (those little positive statements "happy phrases" to help you through your day) can be written on a couple Post-It notes and stuck on said mirror so you can see them at least twice a day when you brush your teeth. It may seem like you are climbing up 5 steps during the day and sliding back 4 at night, but that is 1 step positive progress and eventually you will be up and out of that rabbit hole (whether or not you have his tail or one of his feet for good luck I will leave up to you) Brightest Blessings, LadyWolfMoon

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